Finding Joy by Rebekah A. Morris

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“Where does joy come from? That is the question Paige Martin faces when life’s challenges threaten to overwhelm her. Her husband is out of work, a longed-for baby has been lost through a miscarriage, and now they are moving far away from all that is familiar. Struggling to cope with these frightening changes, Paige slowly walks through the Lord’s lessons on finding joy.” ~from the back of the book

Title: Finding Joy

Author: Rebekah A. Morris

Genre(s): Christian Contemporary Fiction

Rating: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ (four stars)

Romance Content: There are a husband and wife in this story who have some private talks, but there wasn’t anything really inappropriate.

Recommended age range: 13+, for understanding

My Review:

This was a beautiful book filled with a lot of truth. The topic of joy vs. worry is a great one! I enjoyed the descriptive writing and the hope at the end. While this isn’t an action-packed story by any means and there are many ups and downs in Mrs. Martin’s journey with joy, I still enjoyed this book (and Gina definitely added a nice perk 🙂 ).

I think adults or teenagers would enjoy this book more than younger people, because, once again, it’s more of a thoughtful book than an exciting one. However, it would be a great book for more mature readers.

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